Source: M. A. Lloyd
The Path of Journeys is concerned with travel and movement, both in the physical and supernatural realms.
The target always knows which direction to go to reach a specific destination. The effect can manifest as anything from a warm feeling when traveling the right direction to an actual guide, often a small distant light, which may or may not be visible to others. The Guidestar may point anywhere the magician knows well, to any more or less public place he can uniquely name, or to any person or object present at the casting. A pointer to yourself cast on someone elsewhere should cause anyone vaguely curious to come looking.
The reverse of Fair Winds, events conspire to delay the target. His car won't start, the taxi gets him to the airport just after his flight takes off, the next flight is delayed 6 hours by a bomb threat, then diverted to another city by bad weather, which also washes out the only road between them.... Each point of success margin adds at least 50% to the time required for any significant journey.
Semi-random events arrange themselves to minimize the travel time of the target. Winds are always favorable, traffic signals change as he approaches, traffic jams melt before him, public transit runs right on schedule, his luggage is always the first off the plane and his standby seats always become available. The trip won't set a new speed record, but may only miss by enough to avoid publicity delays.
The target can travel through any vaguely passable vegetation at his normal walking pace. Vines will not trip him, thorns never scratch and contact with poison oak is harmless. He will not need a machete to penetrate dense jungle or thick gloves to reach into a thorn bush. It does not erase a trail, but often makes it hard to follow, and Tracking rolls will be needed where others would leave an obvious slashed trail.
Allows the magician to enter the Dreamworld. As VO p74, except the duration is the standard 1 day if the magician doesn't end it first.
The target can easily escape restraints or circumvent barriers to his passage.
He can free himself from bonds, handcuffs, straitjackets and similar restraints
in 1d seconds and squeeze through narrow passages without risk of becoming
stuck. Locked barriers prove to be unlocked when he tries them, and traps or
security systems will be inactive or go off slightly too late to hinder him.
The charm doesn't conceal him from sensors, has no effect on living guards, and
only opens barriers to passage - locked containers he isn't planning to crawl
into, or in which he won't fit, will not open at his touch.
The magician can move to any familiar location within a mile without crossing the intervening space, carrying up to light encumbrance. There is a substantial limitation - his passage must be unobserved. A puff of smoke or recessed doorway is sufficient to cover departure; but arrival is delayed until the next moment in the future the destination has been unobserved for several minutes. Jumping somewhere under competent security surveillance can take the magician out of circulation for a long time so pick your exits carefully if you are using it to slip into a secured area. This allows easy access to difficult locations, but remember the magician had to get there some other way once for it to be a familiar location. During transit no time passes for the magician, and as far as the ordinary world is concerned he no longer exists, occasionally this can make it useful to jump somewhere you know is currently observed.
The target gains the ability to fly, carrying up to Medium encumbrance at 25 mph (aMR 0.25, aAccel 5 mph/s). Occasionally this is a simple spell, but more often it requires an object (carpet, broomstick), an ointment or potion (most contain a hallucinogen), or only works on a horse which can then be ridden through the air.
Allows rapid travel to anywhere familiar to the mage. If the campaign allows travel to other worlds or times, this effect can reach them - but unless you have been there or have truly incredible directions such an attempt is likely to get you hopelessly lost.
To use this Mystery the mage completes any preparations and starts moving. He soon passes into unfamiliar surroundings (traditionally a misty forest, but twisting caverns appear in some tales and strange back alleys work just as well). After what seems several hours he sights the destination and the effect ends. Anyone who can keep up, or is less than an hour behind and able to track the mage can follow. Usually nothing encountered will seriously interfere with the journey, though in some traditions three trials which should be within the abilities of the travelers can be presented. Travelers who pause for a substantial period, lose the track, or go haring off to chase pretty floating lights deserves whatever happens them. They emerge wherever (and whenever!) the GM likes, if they survive at all.
This method of travel is notorious for doing odd things to time. Many forms of the Mystery require you leave at sunrise or midnight, and deliver you at sunset or dawn. Though the trip appears to take several hours, no group will agree on just how many, every timekeeper measures a different result. A variable amount of time also passes in the mortal world, though seldom more than a fraction of the time the trip would have taken conventionally.