Source: M. A. Lloyd
The Path of Glamoury is the magic of deception and illusion. Again be careful about conceptualization, glamours are considered almost physical - mist is a common metaphor. Subjective reality and psychological deception are modern ideas, and belong to the Path of Dreams.
The target looks and sounds exactly like someone else for the duration. It is a handy substitute for makeup, and since it can include the illusion of clothing, for tailoring. The magic itself is flawless, but is limited to the magician's idea of what the disguise should look like. IQ rolls are required to imitate someone not very familiar, or Artist rolls for an imaginary appearance. Disguise does not grant any abilities of the original, and disguising yourself as something of a noticeably different shape or size won't stand up to physical contact.
The area fills with impenetrable fog, limiting visibility to two hexes. The fog may spill out a bit, but outside the target area has no significant impact on visibility. A common variation creates that fantasy favorite, the almost tangible darkness that sucks up light. This reduces the useful range of any light source to those same 2 hexes, but only works at night or in a dark environment.
Enchants a light source so it is visible only to a specific class of people, perhaps just the magician, potentially everyone. The actual light source is simply a symbol, the magelight uses no fuel and burns for the ritual duration. At an additional -3 you can omit the symbol and have the light appear as a glowing globe atop your staff or a flame hovering over your cupped palm. Using a symbol does have the advantage the 'light' can be turned on and off in the usual way the source is controlled.
This ritual prevents magical observation of an area. Any attempt to scry into the area, locate something within it or use Spiritual Perception or other magical senses within it must win a contest of skills (or Alertness for senses) with the Veil or to reveal anything. The effect protects a stretch of space and time. Attempts to scry the past or future into a period where the sanctuary was/will be active are likewise opposed.
You can't get there from here. The maze ritual makes it impossible to locate the target area on purpose without winning a contest of Will with the ritual. This is most effective when applied to a travel chokepoint - a doorway, the only path up a cliff - denying access to an area without the difficulty of enchanting it all; but a sufficiently powerful effect can cause an entire nation to vanish. The area isn't entirely cut off, anyone can leave if returning isn't an issue, and occasionally someone might stumble in accidentally.
The target area is somehow detached from the ordinary world. Sounds, odors and light sources within the area are not detectable outside its boundaries. Outside light sources do illuminate things within the circle, but outside observers see everything within as rather flat, dull and hazy, even in broad daylight. Treat this as camouflage.
Produces a familiar sound centered on the magician. The difficulty given is for a few seconds casting, and less than a minute duration. It is usually cast to generate trumpet fanfares, thunder cracks, the roar of a Krayt dragon or other dramatic announcement of the magician's presence.
The target becomes invisible. This only screens it from sight, though variations against other senses are possible if the magician has or is very familiar with the sense. Most invisibility effects have significant limitations. Some suggestions: may not to let go of an object (the classic invisibility token) +1; doesn't work on mirrors, film, or other technology +1; doesn't work in sunlight +2; doesn't work on animals +2; doesn't work on a large class of people (women, children, honest citizens) +3; and ends if the target attempts to interact with/harm anything +4.
This Mystery allows the mage to create physical objects from intangible sources. The resulting objects are permanent, of the best quality, and often have minor magical properties reflecting their source metaphorically. The mage needs a craft skill (at 12) that could make a similar object; and if not the actual thing he wishes to objectify, at least a symbol of it. For example to make a gown of moonbeams he will need Weaving skill and a clear night with the moon visible. To create a sword from the courage of a dragon he will need Blacksmith and a dragon making a heroic speech - though the heart of a dragon will probably work.
One useful feature of this Mystery is it provides a source for the really strange artifacts that litter some tales. The properties of the object are up to the GM, and may not be quite what the creator wanted. For that matter there is nothing to say the mage wanted anything but a sharp knife when he conjured up the dagger of a maiden's scorn, but that doesn't mean it goes away once he is done with it.
Produces an illusion of anything the mage can clearly imagine and which fits in the target area. The illusion is perfect, it looks, sounds, smells, tastes and produces sensor returns exactly as it should; though it will never inflict more than 1 point of damage (from flames, energy beams, toxic fumes or anything else). It can be laid over existing items as a mass disguise, and persists even if the items move out of the original area. The only real limitation is the mirage will not stand up to physical contact if the underlying reality is of a different shape. Sometimes that is what you want of course, as when you make a field of poisoned spikes look like the rest of the floor. Traditionally the most common uses are to convert a ruin to a fine manor or to conceal an army.
Twist Time (speed/slow), touchstone.